Changes to charity law after the Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023
Legislation was laid in the Scottish Parliament on 23 February 2024 to bring into effect (or ‘commence’) some of the changes contained in the Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023. This legislation aims to modify certain aspects of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (the 2005 Act) and update them.
The first changes took effect from 1 April 2024, with further measures introduced in October 2024 and the remaining changes coming into force from mid 2025. Any relevant guidance on our website will be updated accordingly as the changes come into effect.
Each year, all charities registered in Scotland must submit their accounts to OSCR, which include:
- Annual accounts
- A Trustees’ Annual Report
- An external scrutiny report
Charities submit this information within nine months of their accounting year-end as part of their online annual return.
Currently, OSCR publishes accounts on the Scottish Charity Register for charities that meet certain criteria based on legal form and income, and we ‘redact’ (or blank out) any personal information about individuals in the accounts. Charities are required to provide their latest accounts upon request and may choose to share additional financial information on their own platforms.
From the end of 2025, every accounts document submitted to OSCR will be publicly available on the Scottish Charity Register for at least five years. These documents will be published exactly as received, and OSCR will no longer redact any personal information from these documents prior to publication.
This change benefits both charities and the public. By publishing annual reports and accounts, charities can demonstrate their financial stewardship, transparency, and effectiveness. Donors, funders, and the wider public will have easy access to financial information, allowing them to make informed decisions about supporting specific charities.
At the moment, you should:
- carefully consider what information to include in your accounts before drafting them. Some personal data is required by the legislation, such as the names of charity trustees. However, you may want to consider if it is appropriate to include the names and images of other volunteers or beneficiaries.
- make sure your accounts can easily be displayed online, with a PDF document being the most preferable option.
- consider adding digital or typed signatures, rather than handwritten
- make sure that submitted information is accurate and on time – that’s the responsibility of the charity trustees.
If you need support with charity accounting, please read this guidance on our website.
Charity trustees are the individuals responsible for the overall control and management of a charity. They may be referred to in your charity as directors or committee members, but legally, they are recognised as ‘charity trustees’.
Starting in summer 2025, OSCR will require charities to submit the following details for each charity trustee:
- Name
- Home address
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Date of birth
These details will be kept securely and used by OSCR to help us regulate charities more effectively and to contact trustees where we need to.
The first and last name of each charity trustee will be published on the Scottish Charity Register from the end of 2025. This will enhance transparency and public trust, allowing donors, funders, and the public to see who is responsible for governing each charity. Individual trustees will be able to apply for their name not to be published, but only where this might put safety or security in jeopardy. We will provide more details of this when data collection begins.
At the moment, you should:
- make sure all your charity trustees know about this change.
- gather the required information about all your charity’s trustees.
- make sure your charity has granted OSCR Online access to the appropriate individuals.
The 2023 Act gives OSCR the power to remove charities from the Scottish Charity Register that have failed to submit accounts on time and failed to engage with OSCR about putting this breach of trustee duties right.
Every year, charities must submit accounts to OSCR within 9 months of their financial year end, and if they fail to do this OSCR, members of the public and potential beneficiaries and donors cannot be assured that those charities are effectively using charity resources for charitable purposes.
You can find details of charities at risk of removal from the Scottish Charity Register here.
If you advise or work with any of these charities, please bring this notification to the attention of the charity trustees.
Where any of these charities re-engage with OSCR we will expect them to bring their reporting up to date in order to maintain their registration. Where we don’t hear from these charities, we will proceed to remove them in line with the process set out in the 2023 Act.
One of the major changes still to be introduced amends the rules that automatically disqualify someone from undertaking certain functions within a charity.
Currently, individuals are automatically disqualified from being a charity trustee if they:
- have an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty or an offence under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005
- are an undischarged bankrupt or have a Protected Trust Deed
- have been removed under either Scottish or English Law or by the courts from being a charity trustee
- have been disqualified from being a company director
The Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023 extends the criteria that result in the automatic disqualification of trustees. The new range of criteria will now include, for instance, those convicted of terrorism, or who are on the sexual offenders register.
These criteria, which have previously only applied to trustees, are being extended to include staff or volunteers who undertake a senior management function for a charity.
OSCR still has the power to waive individual disqualifications in specific cases.
Further information about these measures, and a commencement date, will be shared in due course.
Part of OSCR’s role is to conduct inquiries into a charity when we identify that there is possible misconduct or a risk to assets.
From 1 April 2024, we have a number of new powers to help us work more effectively to protect charities and their assets. They include:
- Power to direct charities to take particular actions: This will allow us to compel changes and improvements that need to be made in a charity. This positive power will allow us to respond flexibly and appropriately to the wide range of situations we encounter. We want to focus on achieving beneficial outcomes from the use of this power and will use it where appropriate. The power does not relieve charity trustees from their responsibilities and legal duties in running the charity – we will not for example use it to take sides in a dispute.
- Power to appoint interim trustees: Using this power, we will be able to help charities that cannot function due to a lack of charity trustees. Specific criteria must be met to allow us to do this. In using this power, we will seek good outcomes for the charity, which are likely to vary depending on the charity’s situation. More information on our power to appoint interim trustees can be found here.
- Power to inquire into former charities and former charity trustees: This will extend the reach we have to make inquiries into organisations that are no longer charities and individuals who were previously charity trustees. This extension of our powers will enhance our ability to deal with situations and issues that may cause concern to the public.
- Changes to OSCR’s powers to require charities and others to provide information: The timescales involved here will be clarified and the process streamlined, providing benefit to the progress of our inquiries.
From now, OSCR must refuse an application to be registered as a charity from organisations that have no or a negligible connection with Scotland. To decide on this, we will need to look at factors including whether the organisation has a principal office in Scotland, occupies premises or carries out activities here. Our experience so far indicates that this will not be an issue for the overwhelming majority of applicants. Most of these are SCIOs (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations), which in any case have always required to have a principal office address in Scotland. However, the new measure will ensure that we can deal with issues where they arise with organisations applying under other legal forms.
The requirement to have a connection to Scotland will apply to existing charities on the Scottish Charity Register from 1 October 2024, but we are already in touch with the charities we are aware of that are likely to be affected to try to resolve the issues involved.
In addition to the changes above, the 2023 Act has made minor changes to simplify interactions between charities and OSCR and provide more flexibility. In particular:
- Charities are no longer required to give OSCR 42 days’ notice of changes which require our consent (like changes to charity name, purposes in the constitution or dissolution).
- OSCR can enter two charities on the Scottish Charity Register with the same name when there is a merger of charities – for instance, when an unincorporated charity is winding up and transferring its assets to a new SCIO, the new SCIO can be registered under the same name as the unincorporated one.
We will also be able to take action where the working or ‘known as’ name of a charity or an applicant for registration is misleading, offensive or too similar to another charity’s name, as we do now for charities’ legal names.
From 1 October 2024, OSCR has provided a publicly searchable record of individuals who have been permanently disqualified by the Courts from being a charity trustee so that charities can carry out due diligence on prospective new trustees.