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Inquiry Reports

Under section 33 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, we must report on the subject of the inquiries we make under section 28 if, as a result of our inquiries we:

  1. give a direction, or remove a charity from the Register under section 30
  2. suspend a person under subsection (4) of section 31, or
  3. give a direction under any of subsections (5) to (9) of section 31

You may see us refer to such Inquiry Reports as 'section 33 reports' because they have been produced as a result of the above legal requirements.

We can also choose to publish a report on the subject of any other inquiries we have made under section 28 - for example, an individual case may offer useful lessons for the wider sector.

More information about how we handle inquiries can be found in our How OSCR deals with concerns and inquiries guidance.

For inquiry reports prior to 2018, please contact us.

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