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Do you want to make a complaint about us?

We want to know what you think of OSCR, our services and the way we deliver them.

Our Service Standards set out the level of service you can expect from us in key working areas.

We try to give the best possible service in all areas of our work but we accept that sometimes things can and do go wrong. When this happens we would like to know so that we can try to put things right.

We have a guide for members of the public who wish to make a complaint about us. Our Complaints Handling Procedure sets out how we report on and learn from complaints.

Complaints performance

We publish our complaints statistics as part of our monthly performance report. You can view these here and historical data can be viewed here. You can read a copy of our annual complaints performance report here

What do we treat as a complaint?

We regard a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction about our action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by us or on our behalf.

Examples of which include:

  • delays in responding to your queries and requests
  • failure to provide a service
  • our standard of service
  • treatment or attitude of a staff member
  • our failure to follow proper procedure

Your complaint may involve more than one part of the organisation or be about someone working on our behalf.

Please note:

If you have any concerns about a charity or a body misrepresenting itself as a charity, you can raise a concern with us.
Concerns about charities are considered under a separate procedure.

Stages of a complaint

Our complaints procedure has two stages:

Stage 1: frontline resolution
We aim to resolve complaints quickly and close to where we provided the service. This may mean an immediate apology and explanation, and immediate action to solve the problem. This should take five working days unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you are unhappy with a particular aspect of our services you can raise this with the OSCR staff member that you are dealing with.

If we can't resolve your complaint at this stage, we will explain why and tell you what you can do next.

Stage 2: investigation
We deal with two types of complaint at this stage:

  • those that could not be resolved at stage one
  • those that are more complex and require more detailed investigation

We aim to resolve stage two complaints within 20 working days, although sometimes we may take longer.

If at the end of stage two you remain dissatisfied you can ask theĀ Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to look at it.

How to complain to OSCR

You can complain using our complaints form or by writing to us at:

Judith Hayhow
Head of Corporate
2nd Floor
Quadrant House
9 Riverside Drive


BSL users can contact us through contactSCOTLAND-BSL

Unacceptable Actions Policy: Managing customer contact in a fair and positive way

We believe that everyone has the right to be heard, understood, and treated with respect and dignity.  We also believe that our staff have the same rights. 

Occasionally the behaviour or actions of individuals using our services make it difficult for us to deal with them.  In a small number of cases, the actions of individuals become unacceptable because they involve abuse of our staff or processes. 

When this happens, we will take action to protect our staff.  This Policy explains how we will approach these situations.

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