We have updated OSCR Online - click here for more information on how to submit your annual return


Our website follows the W3C's Website Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines. Find out more about how you can improve this website's accessibility

Recite Me

Visitors to OSCR's website can listen to content by using Recite Me.

We have made this website as accessible as accessible and usable as possible. We've done this by adding Recite Me's accessibility toolbar to our website. The service can be accessed by simply clicking on the 'listen to our website' button available from the bottom or our web page which brings up the Recite Me toolbar at the top of the page. 

ReciteMe is a third party accessibility service. For help using it see the user guide.

Text size

Although the Text Size itself cannot be changed, all modern browsers have the ability to Zoom into the page, enlarging the whole screen (including the text).

Viewing PDFs (Portable Document Format)

Some of our documents are in PDF format which means they can only be viewed using Adobe Reader. This software is available free of charge from the Adobe website.
All PDF documents on this site will open in a new tab window. After viewing or printing the document, you can close the new Web browser window by using the close button at the top right hand corner.
Adobe also offer other useful resources and tools to aid the accessibility of PDFs, these can be accessed from their website.