This purpose focuses on the prevention of cruelty to animals or the prevention or relief of suffering by animals, rather than the conservation of a specific animal or species.
To be charitable, the advancement of animal welfare means preventing or relieving the suffering of animals. This could be animals in general, or a particular type of animal.
It does not mean the conservation of a particular animal or bird, or wildlife in general. Organisations set up for the conservation of a specific animal or species fall under the advancement of environmental protection or improvement.
In general, public benefit is the way that a charity makes a positive difference to the public. Activities that provide public benefit when advancing animal welfare include:
Organisations with this charitable purpose should be able to demonstrate that they have the facilities, expertise, and equipment to provide the appropriate level of care for the animals in question.
Sometimes, animal welfare organisations will have to show that they hold an appropriate licence in relation to the species they work with. For example, an organisation running a wildlife park would require a zoo licence.