Change your charity’s name
If you want to change your charity's name the law says you must get OSCR’s consent first. This is because we need to check that the new name is not an objectionable name.
An objectionable name is:
- the same as, or too like, the name of another charity.
- likely to be misleading to the public about your purposes or activities
- likely to give the impression that you’re connected with an individual or organisation, such as Government, when you’re not
- offensive.
See our guidance on charity names for more detail on how we decide if a name is objectionable.
For charitable companies and SCIOs
From 1 January 2018 SCIOs and Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) appear in the Registrar’s Index of Company Names, maintained by Companies House.
This means that SCIO names come under the Company, Limited Liability Partnership and Business Names (Sensitive Words and Expressions) Regulations 2014. The rules about ‘sensitive words or expressions’ and objectionable names are different although sometimes they can overlap. OSCR doesn’t make decisions on objectionable names based on these Regulations.
The Regulations set out ‘sensitive words or expressions’ that Companies House must check and approve before they can be used in a company or SCIO name. For example:
- Foundation
- Association
- Trust
- Society
- Fund.
For full details of ‘sensitive words or expressions’, please see the Companies House website guidance (Annex A).
While ‘charity’ and ‘charitable’ are sensitive words, you do not need to seek approval from Companies House before applying to OSCR for incorporation of a SCIO with one of these words in its name. If we decide to incorporate the SCIO, this will allow Companies House to include it on the Index of Company Names.
See our FAQs: SCIOs on the Index of Company Names for more information.
Application for charities to obtain OSCR's consent to change name
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