Change your charity’s purpose(s)
If you want to change your charity's purposes you need OSCR’s consent first.
You cannot make any changes unless and until you get our consent. This is because we need to check that
a) you have the power to change your purposes, and
b) the new purposes are charitable.
To meet the charity test and be a charity in Scotland you must have only charitable purposes.
Your charity’s purposes are set out in your governing document, they may be called ‘purposes’ ‘objects’, ‘aims’ or ‘objectives’.
The purposes in your governing document don’t need to be exactly the same as the charitable purposes in the 2005 Act, but it should be easy to see how they relate to them. Detailed guidance about each purpose and how to write them can be found in our Meeting the Charity Test: Guidance.
Writing charitable purposes
Each purpose you have must fit within at least one of the charitable purposes set out in the 2005 Act. We recommend you get advice on writing your charitable purposes. You could use the following wording to structure your purposes:
‘To advance… [charitable purpose] by… [very brief outline of activities]’ |
‘To promote… [charitable purpose] by… [very brief outline of activities]’ |
‘To provide… [charitable purpose] by… [very brief outline of activities]’ |
‘To relieve… [charitable purpose] by… [very brief outline of activities]’ |
Application form for consent to change charitable purposes.
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We recommend you open the file from your device using Adobe Reader, which is free to download. If you are having problems with the pdf, please see the Adobe support website before contacting us.
Please return the completed form and any documentation to