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Brexit: are you a meerkat or an ostrich?

Wednesday August 10, 2016

David Robb, CEO of OSCR, talks about the Brexit referendum and how this has generated very challenging times for those entrusted with running charities.

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How to prepare for appointing a charity investment manager

Wednesday July 13, 2016

Julie Hutchison, Charities Specialist from Standard Life Wealth, talks about the kind of process a charity should follow when getting ready to appoint an investment manager.

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Fundraising regulation, bringing in the changes

Thursday July 7, 2016

Jude Turbyne, OSCR's Head of Engagement, talks about the new system of fundraising complaints in Scotland.

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Remember the ombudsman

Monday June 27, 2016

Ian Woodman, from the Financial Ombudsman Service, talks about the help charities can receive from the Financial Ombudsman Service if there are problems with the bank that can't be resolved by the charity.

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Measuring your risk maturity - specifically for charities

Wednesday May 25, 2016

Alyson Pepperill, Chair of The Charities Sector Interest group at the Institute of Risk Management, talks about a new risk maturity framework and accompanying guide.

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All change for charity accounts 4 - Volunteers, Donations from Trustees and Trustee expenses

Monday May 9, 2016

Jenny Simpson, a partner at Wylie & Bisset LLP, talks about the new SORP in relation to volunteers, donations by trustees and trustee expenses.

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All change for charity accounts 3 - new requirements relating to Key Management Personnel

Wednesday April 20, 2016

Jenny Simpson, a partner at Wylie & Bisset LLP, talks about the new charity accounting rules and the requirements in relation to Key Management Personnel remuneration.

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All change for charity accounts 2 - what's new in the Trustees' Report

Wednesday April 6, 2016

Jenny Simpson, a partner at Wylie & Bisset LLP, talks about the new SORP and impact on the Trustees' Annual Report.

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All change for charity accounts - a reminder of the 'who has to do what' rules

Monday March 21, 2016

Jenny Simpson, a partner at Wylie & Bisset LLP, talks about a new SORP for charities.

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Things are changing

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Jude Turbyne, OSCR's Head of Engagement, talks about changes affecting charities from 1st April 2016.

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Fundraising Regulation in Scotland: Your chance to comment

Tuesday February 16, 2016

Jude Turbyne, OSCR's Head of Engagement, talks about the review of fundraising in Scotland and how you can comment on the consultation.

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How the Scottish Charity Regulator has made it easy to highlight your charitable status.

Wednesday February 3, 2016

Judith Pogorzelec, OSCR's Communications & Website Officer, talks about OSCR's new charity registration logo.

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Banking on OSCR's help

Wednesday August 12, 2015

Nicola McBain, OSCR's Engagement Manager for Policy and Partnerships, highlights some pointers for charities - and where the regulator can help.

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Silver City Surfers

Monday June 29, 2015

Find out more about Silver City Surfers, a charity in Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland aimed at helping and supporting older people to use modern computer technology.

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8 key lessons for young trustees

Wednesday June 17, 2015

Young trustee for Plan UK & Brook, Leon Wood, talks about his experience of being a young trustee and the critical lessons that he sees repeated throughout the sector.

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Don't wait for a rainy day

Wednesday June 3, 2015

David Robb, OSCR chief executive, argues that managing reserves is an ongoing duty

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The shape of things to come

Tuesday March 24, 2015

David Robb predicts change for the better

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Bang goes the theory

Friday February 13, 2015

Rebecca Bowry, Head of Planning and Performance at Diabetes UK and a member of the Institute of Risk Management’s Charities Special Interest Group, reflects on the reasons and the challenges of writing ‘Risk Management for Charities: Getting Started’.

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What's your motto?

Monday February 9, 2015

OSCR Chief Executive David Robb reflects on the need to remain vigilant.

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Helping to set up a new charity

Monday August 11, 2014

Elsie Normington relates her experience of helping to set up a new charity.

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